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My Personal Experience With Naked Yoga

Expert Author Peter Photikoe
After more than a decade of regular yoga practice, what's keeping me going is the yearning for improvement, of the hope for eventually unlocking the secret to what practicing yoga will yield. If expecting a different result for doing the same things over and over is insanity, then yoga has taught me to keep on going anyway: Expectation is beside the point; it is the trial that matters.

The stress of working in Washington, DC for the military during the post-September 11 years drove me to yoga. One of the first retreats that I attended was a naked yoga retreat for men in a small town in upstate New York. The suggestion of what this could be was too tempting and I went expecting the world, yet fear seeped out of my pores.

The experience was so profound that I decided to give up my government job and move to New York. To do what I was not sure, but I knew that a door has been opened and I had no choice but to walk through it. There has been only a handful of times when such moments of clarity sparked in my life. Now, 10 years later, I find myself on Koh Phangan, a tiny tropical island in the Gulf of Thailand. The yoga that I teach on the beach is practiced without clothing. Raised eyebrows often demand that I defend myself: "What makes naked yoga relevant?" "Is this a sex thing?"

Nudity is often confused with sensuality and we tend to think that what makes us feel good must be bad. So better to hide, for it is safer under covers where no one can see: Who knows what might happen? Ten years ago, such fear-based expectations almost kept me from starting on the path to liberation. Yoga, naked or not, is about exposing the body to various disciplines in order to free the soul. In a culture obsessed with material wealth, reducing the body to its bare essentials can have quite a profound effect on the individual.
On the practical side, yoga is a science of energy management. While western thinking talks about the heart beating, yoga asks: What makes the heart beat? We go to the root of the cause. It not fair to abuse something until it breaks only to find disappointment when a fix quick is not an option. Modern medicine, surgery, and therapy are expensive treatments to ailments that might not occur if we care about the entire system.

Yoga, regardless of the method of delivery, should never lose sight of the big picture, of taking care of the entire system: A regularly watered plant will bear more fruit and a withered specimen. Right now, natural disasters are on everyone's lips in Thailand, for the very congested, urban Bangkok is about to get a rinse from the massive flooding that's affecting the central plains of the country. Plants that are firmly rooted, that have been watered for years, with withstand the deluge. Have you watered your plant lately?
Join me on a gorgeous tropical island in Thailand at our private beach location where we learn what it means to be free. Come see what Be Naked Yoga is all about. We also offer full-serviced, gorgeously modern beachfront villas: Awe Resort for an unforgettable holiday!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Photikoe

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5 Quick Tips to Naked Yoga Success


Now if you're thinking about practicing naked yoga then I'm sure you'll find this beneficial. I have been practicing naked yoga for several years now and believe I'm in a good position to let everyone know the TRUE benefits of this type of yoga as oppose to the traditional type. Now let's be clear from the outset, naked yoga is not as mainstream as the traditional type but recently there has been a huge surge of naked yoga practitioners all over the globe. Those who choose to practice it find that it helps the unity of the mind, body and soul and aids in an overall more enlightened yoga state. Now let's delve right into the five quick tips to practice naked yoga successfully!
1: Make sure the room is warm! - Believe me, if you yoga naked you really won't want to be cold. Make sure it's at a comfortable temperature in the room. It's not nice having a chilly rear end!
2: Lock your doors! - It's quite shocking to have someone burst through your door, for whatever reason, and catch you in that "o' so revealing" naked asana! This is particularly important if you don't live alone.
3: Set the mood! - Dim the lights and make sure there's minimal noise. It makes it a whole lot easier to project your thoughts with minimal distractions.
4: Enhance your experience! - Put on some pure ambient music to enrich the experience and deepen the thoughts in your mind.
5. Have a regime! - Make it part of your lifestyle. Your routine shouldn't last for no longer than an hour but it's also very important that you implement it at least once every two or three days. It may feel a bit like a chore at first, but give it a few weeks and you won't be able to wait until your next session!
So what's the real difference between traditional yoga and naked yoga? Well to be honest the poses are more or less exactly the same but with the removal of all clothing. Now for some it may not seem logical removing your clothes but there are some secret benefits that can really assist your yoga experience. We've proven this and found that naked yoga has not only been the source behind the removal of specific anxiety issues around a person's body, but it acts as the door to the non-psychical faculties of your psyche while also allowing for a more flexible approach to any asana's. Overall it's hailed to improve the focus of your yoga and the union it encompass. You embrace a more untied approach to yoga in general.
Now I should make it clear that there is no sexual connection between being naked and practicing naked yoga. Quite the contrary actually as we are engaging the mental facilities with less of a regard to the physical. That said there are some yoga classes that leave the line less defined, i.e. tantric or couple yoga, but generally a connection between the both is commonly excluded. In terms of where you could practice there are two places: in the comfort of your own home or as a member of a professional group. Many individuals believe that exposing their body within a group would be nothing less than crazy but at the end of the day however, it's really just about finding out what suits you.
In professional yoga classes the atmosphere is extremely welcoming and non- threatening, with some classes allowing for specific undergarments to be worn for beginners. Lights can be dimmed and while in your yoga regime there is a deep sense of freedom felt throughout. Contrary to popular belief, there are a wide array of practicing naked yoga classes around the world, waiting to embrace anyone who is willing to let it into their life.
As mentioned before, I've been practicing naked yoga for several years now and it's really added to my personal life immensely, so I decided to make a full report on the whole subject. It covers everything from 'Why Naked Yoga Classes Are So Hard' to 'The Masters Guide To Naked Yoga Fulfilment'. If you're interested in Naked Yoga in any shape or form then I couldn't recommend anything better.
It's fully complimentary and takes seconds to view. Take a look: [http://www.nakedyogaclub.com]
Hope this helps. Until next time have a great yoga session be it naked or not!
Craig Jones has put together a complimentary report on Naked Yoga which will help anyone with any interest in it. Click here to download your report instantly: [http://www.nakedyogaclub.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_K_Jones

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Nude Yoga - Would You Try It?


Nude yoga is not a mainstream yoga form. It ignites great contradiction and controversy by way of challenging individual's ideas and customary ways of thinking. Although naked yoga is not suited to everyone, those practicing the art find their naked yoga classes an approach that aids in further developing and advancing their experience and unity of mind, body and soul.

So why substitute nude yoga as an alternative to the 'normal' everyday yoga class, and what really is the difference? In fact, the yoga poses are not any different to what you would find at your more common Hatha yoga or Bikram yoga classes, but you would be performing the usual poses completely naked. Although this may make many of us almost have a heart attack at the very thought, naked yoga is naked for a number of reasons.

Firstly, not only does it strip away competition and superficiality allowing you to focus more on your yoga than on what people around you are wearing, it also aids in developing self esteem for those individuals aspiring to become more comfortable with their body image. Performing yoga positions naked can also provide you with greater motion and flexibility as well as allowing you to achieve proper alignment during poses.

So how do you know if you are suited to this form of yoga and what should you be aware of prior to seeking out a naked yoga class? Generally speaking, the people that benefit from and enjoy nude yoga are individuals that enjoy trying out new things, aspire to improve their body image, want to learn more about yoga and most importantly understand that nudity in yoga has a very different meaning to that of sexuality and sexual behavior. It is very important to gather information about nude yoga centers or classes in your area prior to booking a session. Nude yoga should be run by a qualified yoga practitioner that is devoted to creating a safe and non-threatening environment. The atmosphere should be non-sexual in nature and the atmosphere should be a comfortable and relaxed one. In certain nude yoga classes lights are dimmed, clothes are removed as part of a yoga ritual and focus is always kept on the yoga practice and not those practicing around you. There are certain nude yoga classes that do not follow these guidelines and are groups that have changed the art into a sexual experience. If you are seeking yoga with a hint of sexuality, rather seek out information regarding tantric yoga or classes for couples in your area than joining the first group that you stumble on.

Wrapping up, Nude Yoga is not for everyone but for some it can aid in allowing one to accept one's body in a natural state and improve the body, mind and soul unity experience desired from yoga practice. I know that for many, even with understanding the benefits of Naked Yoga, the only time they may come close to a 90 minute class of naked yoga would be in the form of an embarrassing and shocking nightmare. The idea here is that you should choose a yoga class that suits you best and allows you to benefit from the art in a setting that makes you the most comfortable, whether it be naked or not.

Get The Best Movie on Nude Yoga
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Nude Yoga - What You Should Know About Naked Yoga


Yoga and meditation are popular since ancient times. Contrary to common belief, yoga is not just a set of different poses; it is a complete set of self discipline. Not only does it keeps you physically fit but also uplifts you spiritually. Yoga in literal terms means "union" i. e union of human soul with God. Asana (postures) are a way to keep your mind and body in perfect condition which helps you connect with the God.

Nude Yoga

This is a self explanatory term. Nude yoga simply means performing yogic Asansas without wearing any clothes. The postures (asana) are not any different from normal yogic postures. However the person performing naked yoga must be comfortable with this form of exercise.

Practice of this form of exercise started in 1960s. With the popularity of this form of yoga, many people started joining naked yoga classes. Aaron Star became an underground sensation when his Hot Nude Yoga that hit the market in 2001. Unintentionally Naked yoga is often associated with gay communities but it has nothing to do with gays

Motivating Force behind Naked Yoga

Naked Yoga is for those who want to break society's norms. They want to explore their freedom by going without clothes. Moreover they accept the imperfections of their body and they do are not ashamed of it. Unlike other cultural changes, nude yoga took a long time before becoming popular.

Naked Yoga and Sex

There is a lot of difference between nude yoga and sexuality. The purpose of this form of yoga is to go beyond the perceived boundaries of the society. Gaining physical and mental fitness by performing asana in completely natural state is a new experience for naked yoga practitioner. It promotes a sense of openness among the participants and helps them accept the physical imperfections instead of hiding them.

Naked Yoga Etiquettes

As it is an uncommon form of yoga, there are a few etiquettes that must be adhered to:
• Do not hesitate in removing clothes if you have joined nude yoga class
• It is impolite to stare at your classmates. You must be comfortable while making others comfortable
• This is not easy. In fact it is somewhat tougher than normal yogic practice and meditation.
• Understand the difference between nudity and sexuality. This form of yogic practice has nothing to do with sexuality. You must not hesitate in asking questions.
• Do not forget to bring your own mat and towel.

Would you like to know about Aaron Star Hot Nude Yoga which became a sensation in 2001. It is thrilling to go beyond societal norms. Get The Best Movie on Nude Yoga

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Bikram Yoga Vs Standard Yoga

Expert Author Abbey Marie Reynolds


Yoga is an activity that carries the body and mind together. Practicing yoga is very effective for managing inevitable conditions and disorders. However, some types of yoga differ in certain ways, like in series of practices and poses.

Bikram yoga and standard yoga equips amazing physical and mental benefits. The added advantage that Bikram yoga provides, makes its routine superior to standard yoga. For some people, they find the heat used in doing Bikram yoga unbearable, which make the session uncomfortable. The more comfortable and enjoyable the exercise is, the more effective it will be for you. The best routine depends on you. Find the suitable type of yoga for you to reach a high level of satisfaction.

The difference of Bikram Yoga and Standard Yoga

Bikram yoga has a lot of advantages. It almost has all the mental and physical benefits that a Standard yoga has. You may not find Bikram a fun type of yoga exercise because of the required heat that should be used while exercising. Several benefits of Bikram yoga include the following:

Prevention of Injury; It gets rid of toxins in the body; It cures insomnia; Improves chronic disorders; Tones your musculature; Increases lung capacity; Provides a complete cardio work-out; It increases and improves flexibility; Boosts the immune system; Improves blood circulation; Prevents osteoporosis; Decreases back pains.

However, a Standard Yoga concentrates more on breathing exercises, meditation and physical postures that can improve your well-being. It is a spiritual practice that provides several health benefits. It's more on mental and spiritual than physical benefits. Some of its benefits are:

It improves your flexibility, which reduces stiffness and improves the range of motion of your joints; It strengthens your upper and lower extremities; Helps you maintain a healthy metabolism; It reduces the risks of illnesses; Helps lower your blood pressure; Improves your sleeping habits; and improves your weight.
For Bikram yoga, the heart must pump more blood that will pass through your organs and muscles to oxidize your brain, to make you feel much lighter and relaxed. While standard yoga practiced under these rough conditions makes bikram yoga a form of strenuous aerobic exercise with a much higher degree than a Standard yoga.

Bottom line is... no matter which of these yoga styles you choose, it is extremely important that you are comfortable with it and you enjoy your every session. Yoga is meant to rejuvenate its practitioners.
Abbey Reynolds is a yoga instructor in North Dakota. She has been practicing yoga for more than 8 years and has been a certified yoga instructor for 6 years. Her life goal is to spread the therapeutic benefits of yoga and help beginners to find the way to these benefits. Visit her site to learn how you can enjoy these yoga benefits.

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What Is Yoga Therapy: A Healthy Alternative to Prescription Drugs


Expert Author Jennie Lee Sine
Yoga is so much more than the physical health routine most people associate with it. Yoga Therapy mines the entire science of Yoga as written about in the Yoga Sutras for tangible practices that bringing health and healing to issues that confront us in modern life. The vast, ancient teachings of Yoga hold answers to the big and the small problems we encounter. People undertake Yoga Therapy to feel less stress, more emotional balance, to calm their minds, rehabilitate their bodies and become reacquainted with their soul Self. Whatever you are going through, Yoga Therapy can help you effect positive change and give you tools to expand your physical and emotional vibrancy and well being.

There are three general categories of Yoga Therapy, although they all interrelate. The first type is similar to physical therapy - using basic movements (called asanas) to rehabilitate injury, moderate chronic pain or regain vital energy. There are innumerable scientific studies today that show evidence based research on Yoga's physical benefits.

Another aspect of Yoga Therapy is similar to psychotherapy - using mental and emotional Yoga practices to deal with change, loss, indecision and other internal struggles. This correlates to psycho-neuroimmunology, a branch of psychology that studies the interaction between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and explains some of the subtleties of psychosomatic medicine and how the body reflects our internal state of thought and feeling.

The application of Yogic techniques to affect specific changes in vital functions of the body's organs and systems allows the individual to shift from unconscious response and to a chosen response in tense circumstances. An example would be using a balancing breath exercise to 'reset' the parasympathetic nervous system's 'fight or flight' response, thereby helping the person to combat anxiety or panic attacks.
Of course it is impossible to separate the physical and mental parts of ourselves as we are integrated beings, so these first two categories of Yoga Therapy blend together. Many physical issues are symptomatic of deeper underlying issues trying to get our attention. Our bodies are storage depots for all the things we have experienced and felt over the course of our lives. Our 'biography becomes our biology' as they say. From small discomforts to chronic pain, the body calls us to awakening, to look inward to feelings from the past which keep us from full capacity living in the present. When the body's natural wisdom is accessed through Yoga Therapy, emotional release occurs and healing begins at a deeper level than just the physical.
The final and most important aspect to Yoga Therapy addresses the spiritual component of our nature.

Classical sacred texts of all spiritual paths and religions acknowledge that human beings have a divine energy within and, most of the problems in our life stem from a state of ignorance of who and what we are. Most Eastern forms of medicine attribute illness to the energy blockage that occurs when we live in this state of un-knowing. By promoting the flow of prana, or vital life force energy, Yoga eliminates energetic blockages, restoring one's natural health.

By offering tools to gain true Self-knowledge, Yoga provides an opportunity to become acquainted with our inner spirit and therefore engage change at a much more profound level. Relaxation techniques that promote calmness and stability through introspection combined with meditation that leads us to transcendence, can significantly reduce the overstimulation of the mind which causes so many people psychological burnout in one form or another.

Does someone have to practice Yoga or be flexible to do this?
Absolutely not. The practices of Yoga Therapy can meet you where you are today. For some this is through movement, but for many others it is through internal inquiry, reflection, and meditation. Abundant scientific studies now show the benefits of Yoga Therapy to counter trauma, long term stress, attention issues, depression, anxiety and challenging relationship dynamics. Whether you are 8 or 88, by discovering connections between your body issues or chronic tension patterns and your long held limiting beliefs or emotional attachments, a whole new world of freedom opens up. Yoga Therapy helps you identify and then release physical, mental, and energetic blocks, and reclaim your abundant life force energy.

What do you actually do in a Yoga Therapy session?

After initial assessment is made of a client's needs and challenges, the therapist employs a wide range of mind/body practices, from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation. Most Yoga Therapists draw from a variety of styles and branches of Yoga, to create personalized practices (sadhana) that address the presenting condition, taking into consideration the client's level of current physical ability for the order and number of practices and integration into their lifestyle.

Yoga therapy tailors these to the capacities of the individual. By adapting Yoga techniques and practices to help individuals facing health challenges on any level, clients learn to manage their condition, reduce symptoms, restore balance, increase strength, and improve attitude and expand their field of awareness.
Yoga Therapy is a wonderful healing modality for anyone who wants to truly integrate how they feel inside their body, with emotional freedom, and deep soul connection.

If you need a positive change without drugs, call today for a free consultation to see how Yoga Therapy can benefit you. Jennie Lee is available for sessions on the phone or via Skype by appointment Mon-Sat 8 am- 8 pm PST. Call 808-927-8641 and begin the journey to joy today. http://www.stillnessinmotion.info
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Enrolling in Yoga Teacher Training Courses


Expert Author Nilesh Parmar
Yoga, the age-old discipline for synchronized physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing that once originated in India has now become hugely popular all over the world. People from every nook and corner of the globe take special interest in it and want to know how to learn the technique or how to master the art by enrolling in a proper course. Yoga teacher training centers are located in many cities and countries across the world, but for the most authentic courses one has to head for India, where it had all begun. Rishikesh, Agra, Mathura, Vrindavan, Goa, Kerala are some of the places where one can find the best yoga TTC centers in India.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses, which are available in India are all aimed at providing education and consultation apart from teaching elaborate 'asanas' (yoga postures), meditation, 'pranayama' (breathing exercises), chanting mantras while practicing deep breathing, 'kriyas' (exercises to cleanse the body system from within), proper diet, yoga philosophy, and lessons from the Bhagavad Gita. The courses are extensively designed and cover all aspects of the ancient wellness technique.

Yoga teacher training courses are available for both residential and non-residential students as thousands of foreigners come down to India every year only to learn yoga and meditation and not just for visiting landmark places of the country. Accordingly, the course durations are fixed to suit their requirements. There are courses of 200 hours, 300 hours and 500 hours durations depending on the inclusion of various relaxation techniques other than the mandatory yogic science and teaching methodology. Here is a generalized course program that is followed by a typical weeklong teacher training course in yoga:

Satsang: Consists of meditation in absolute silence, and reading the philosophy of Vedanta and yoga.
Lecture: Discussions covering "the 5 points of yoga", "the 4 paths of yoga," and other topics in yogic science are done in these sessions.
Asana Classes: The method of sun salutation and twelve basic asanas or postures are taught along with other advanced variations. There is generally a second class which is entirely devoted to 'How to Teach" topics.
Pranayama: Basic technique of kapalabhati and alternate nostril breathing, that is, anuloma viloma are taught in this class.
Meditation: How to meditate, benefits of meditation, and proper uses of mantras while meditating are taught during this session.
Kirtan: One is taught how to pronounce Sanskrit shlokas properly and chant them loudly as proper chanting of mantras can purify body, soul, and mind.
Karma Yoga: Selfless service by the residing guests and students to make them feel that they are part of the ashram or the TTC center.
Main lecture: Constitutes discussions on various yoga related topics such as Kundalini yoga, reincarnation through karma, and the four paths of yoga- Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Jnana Yoga.
Anatomy and physiology: In these classes, students are enlightened about the effects of yoga on the major body systems.
Bhagavad Gita: Reading of the text, which is considered the bible of Yoga and Hinduism.

Online registration is available for enrolling in Yoga TTC in India. One should look for various course options that are available on the internet before zeroing in on a certain course. Certifications and authentication of the course as well as the center should be checked properly before getting oneself registered. This will not only yield the best results but also an enriching experience to savor lifetime.

Yoga teacher training is not a fitness instructor, but also the tracker of deep unconsciousness of human psychology. Yoga teacher training courses offer best known throughout India.
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Is Yoga The Answer - Yoga The Medicinal Fix


Expert Author Kacy Carr
Is Yoga the answer - Why are so many people choosing to ignore the warning signs that is causing major concerns towards their health - environmental hazards which are out of our control but very much a part of our lives is becoming a worry to us all. Then we have another health issue - stress, which is destroying people`s lives with energies of destruction affecting how they live.

Is Yoga the answer. Stress/anxiety affects people in different ways so it is important - before buying over the counter any pills or remedy powders is to consult a doctor. Depression can cause so much pain and suffering to a patient in the way of taking over - how they think - what they do or how they act. For a person not to be in control of their own actions is a serious situation therefore you need to talk to someone if you feel that you are experiencing anxious moments.

Is Yoga the answer? Stress and anxiety symptoms can be sedated and calmed with the right treatment and medication - but any advice on what should be administered for easing these discomforts should be from a doctor or herbalist if you choose the natural way for help.

If your health or that of your family is giving you reason for concern then consider going along to keep fit classes like yoga. Is Yoga the answer, Yoga is proving to be a great antidote for stress related ailments. They say do not knock it till you try it and this goes for yoga also. Stress is a troubling mind meddler where in some unfortunate cases - patients have been hospitalized. Depending on the seriousness of the illness - mild yoga techniques can help.

Body awareness is the main issue when joining a yoga class. By knowing the mechanics on body parts like muscles - joints and organs can help you nip in the bud many uncontrollable body function outbursts before they start

Is Yoga the answer in helping combat stress? Stress problems are addressed with a type of yoga that helps control the mind in the form of meditation exercises. Meditation is a common Yoga type exercised by millions worldwide. Even the medical world believes that Yoga is proving to be very beneficial to suffering patients.
It is now a common practice by doctors all over the world to refer patients on a regular basis to perform these exercises in the way of a medicinal fix - naturally.

Is Yoga the answer - Yes (depending on the patient and the illness?)
100% fit in mind body and soul is what healthy living is all about. http://www.want2yoga.com Stress concerns http://www.overcompulsivedisorder.com.
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Free Yoga Exercises Routines


Who would not like to learn yoga for free? Just like everyone, you too would be interested in doing this set of free yoga exercises that are meant just for you! These yoga exercise training will instruct you on how to practice yoga; you just need to follow the instructions carefully and with confidence.

Ashtanga yoga is a series of different types of exercises which should be practiced regularly to improve an individual's health. Yoga increases the vital flow of energy and gives a peace of mind. The free exercises given below are nothing but different poses which need to be practiced correctly.

Yoga is also a way of living life. It includes performing daily routine activities at a regular time everyday. Consider the habit of getting up in the morning. In yoga, the daily routine starts with having the a fixed procedure of practice everyday in three points; first, Japa meaning chanting some mantra over and over to maintain the same consciousness; second, study by reading some yoga scripts; and third, meditation which should be performed at a fixed time in a fixed place everyday.

The initial pose of these free yoga exercises should be the Corpse pose, and be repeated between other asana (yoga poses) and as a final relaxation. This pose looks easy and it's really good too. But it should be used for more than relaxing. You should use this pose for meditation while allowing your mind to gain strength and relax.

Start these yoga exercises with the warm up exercises to relax and prepare your muscles for the next exercises. After warm up you can perform the shoulder lifts the natural following exercise and the eye exercise, which can improve your eyesight and prevent tiredness. For the next exercises you can practice sun salutation which will stretch all your body muscles, this to prepare for the much more difficult exercises. Try also leg raise, which will tone your leg muscles, giving you more endurance and improved flexibility; head stand pose is also good for resting some of your organs such as heart.

Once you prepare your mind and body for more difficult yoga exercise, get going in the following manner.
Start with the bridge and plough poses; this will increase your back's flexibility. Initially, you may find it difficult to attain the final position. But with practice you will be able to reach this "asana". At first you will not be able to do it perfectly, but remember it's important to try to reach the perfect position and train your body to eventually reach the perfectly balanced position.

After this pose, try the forward bend pose to stimulate the nervous system. Then you can attempt the fish pose, it tones the chest muscles and lungs.

Next pose is called cobra pose. Women who suffer from menstrual problems can try the cobra pose, it stimulates the pelvic and lower abdomen area, improving the circulation and massaging the internal organs.
If you want to strengthen the lower back, then you should try the locust pose. Locust pose is also known to help prevent constipation.

The bow is another pose that will help your back area remain strong and flexible at the same time and abdominal fat my also be reduced if proper diet is applied. Furthering this yoga exercise you can try the half spinal twist pose for your spines.

Breathing is a very important aspect in practicing yoga. You can learn proper way of breathing and improve on it by practicing the crow pose. With this pose, you can improve your joints and arm strength too. Then you can try the hands to feet pose and the triangle. This pose requires your body's strength and flexibility.
At the end of all these yoga practice exercises, make sure that you perform the corpse pose to regain any energy that has been lost during these free yoga exercise and also to give rest to your body.

You can try all these free yoga exercises one by one and see for yourself which ones work the best for you. Once you know the poses that benefit you the most, just make sure that you do not overstretch yourself in doing those exercises and that you follow the same set of exercises regularly.
Learn about yoga and get 5 free yoga exercise lessons by visiting yoga exercises tips [http://www.yogaexercisesportal.com]. To learn more about the various postures visit good yoga postures [http://www.yogaexercisesportal.com/Keeping-Up-With-Good-Yoga-Postures.html].
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Ancient Yoga For Modern Health


Expert Author Monica E Salois
Everyone can practice and benefit from yoga, no matter how old. People from the ages of 6 to 80 can easily learn and practice yoga. Even professional athletes have studied it and there are special classes now for handicapped persons. Yoga can be used to overcome a vast array of personal problems and is especially good for people who want to lose weight. The overall philosophy tends to promote a vegetarian diet and encourages the elimination of meat and dairy products.

Raga yoga is the mental practice of yoga and teaches practitioners five mental meditation techniques. Yoga meditation concentrates on breathing and calms the nerves, overcomes anxiety, fear, worry, anger and negative emotions, and quiets the mind. Many people practice yoga meditation to calm themselves and relieve stress. It has been found that older people who practice yoga can often regain some characteristics of youth and vitality such as improved memory and better concentration. They become more flexibility, have better balance, endurance, coordination, and they feel more energized.

Yoga improves both physical and mental health when practiced regularly. Yoga works on every part of the human organism, both internal and external. Physical yoga consists of passive stretching and breathing exercises which improve muscle tone and stimulate internal organs. When combined with proper dietary habits, it cleanses the body and eliminates toxins and waste. The benefits from yoga cleansing techniques include support of normal regularity, stronger resistance to colds and flu viruses, and improved circulation throughout the body.

Westernized yoga classes mostly focus on learning physical poses, which are called "asanas". These yoga classes also include mediation and breathing exercises along with dietary guidelines. The majority of yoga classes are designed for purely relaxation and stress management, however many styles teach people to move their body in special ways to achieve greater flexibility, muscle tone, strength, and balance.

For most healthy people, yoga is a safe, non-aerobic exercise program; however, it is not without certain risks. Although yoga has provided many great health benefits for millions of people, it is not a substitute for proper medical care, nor is it to be taken lightly. Don't try learning yoga on your own from a video or book. It is much safer and better to work with an experienced and certified instructor to learn the proper way to avoid injury while performing the postures and stretches. Learn what your limits are and do not try to strain or stretch beyond them. Go slow in the beginning and make sure you warm up properly before each session. Cold muscles can cause injuries. Wear the proper loose-fitting clothing that allows freedom of movement.

Stay hydrated, especially if practicing "hot yoga", which is done in warm and humid rooms to encourage perspiration. Ask questions of the instructor if you don't understand an exercise, or ask to see it demonstrated before you attempt it yourself. Above all, listen to your body and pay attention to what it is telling you. If you feel pain or faint, then stop immediately. Yoga may cause some discomfort, but it isn't supposed to hurt. Stop immediately if you have chest pain, get overheated, or become dizzy, or weak. Get immediate medical care if your symptoms continue after you stop.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Monica_E_Salois

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Beginner Yoga: How to Include Peace of Mind Exercises Within Your Yoga Practice

Expert Author Heather Greaves
Yoga practice can bring peace of mind. By the end of the yoga class we usually forget the burning desire or important concern that occupied our mind. Peace pervades both mind and body. Here are a few yoga exercises that help you gain peace of mind.

1. Begin with Centering
What is centering? It's a method which helps to turn the mind inward and works to quiet our busy mind. In kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, a specific mantra is chanted at the beginning of every class and personal practice. In some hatha yoga classes the mantra 'Om' is chanted. This opening activity takes only a few minutes and makes a huge positive impact on our state of consciousness and thus prepares us for our yoga practice.

The use of a mantra has a direct effect on the mind, and beginning your personal practice with a chant draws a subtle starting line that adds something special to your experience. How would you describe that inward journey - sacred, soulful or something else? I am always fascinated by the various ways we describe our experience of the same exercise.

2. Chanting during Practice
In our personal practice we can decide to chant 'Om' aloud at the beginning of the asana portion of our practice. If you start with the Sun or Moon salutation you can chant either when you are moving into the pose, or slow the practice down by chanting one 'Om' as you hold the pose. You may want to explore to find out when it is most natural for you to chant. Do you increase or decrease the chant volume as you practice? Does it feel natural to stop chanting aloud after a while?

3. Hand Mudra
A common hand mudra is holding the hands in prayer position. This mudra, called Namaste mudra, can be held when standing at rest in Tadasana. You can hold the hands at the chest and let the thumbs touch the sternum. Notice how each finger rests against its pair and whether one hand presses more into the other. Can you distribute the pressure evenly between both hands? Are you using excess effort?

Feel your feet to the earth, hands at the heart, and head to the sky. Next sense your whole body as a single unit, then bring the breath into your awareness. This rest between poses can become a standard within your personal practice; an exercise to draw the mind inward.

As a beginner yoga student you can design your personal practice to include the elements that are most effective to quiet the mind. As you experiment with these techniques, may you discover again and again the power of designing your own practice and the ability to quiet your mind.
Heather Greaves is an avid yoga student and the owner of Body Therapies Yoga Training. She organizes yoga and meditation retreats and workshops in Ontario and Barbados, and has been helping yoga enthusiasts learn to teach therapeutic yoga in a certified program. For more yoga tips or to sign up for our monthly newsletter visit http://www.yogatogo.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Greaves

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